Results for "ulcus"
92 searchresults
Tropic ulcer L97.x Vascular medicine
...finition General, but little used term for an ulcer that has developed due to a disturbed trophic ( Ulcus cruris venosum, Ulcus cruris arteriosum, Malum perforans, Decubitus).Cervical trophic syndrome
Ambulatory venous hypertension Vascular medicine
...tension leads to the clinical picture of chronic venous insufficiency. Literature Salzmann G (2010) Ulcus cruris In: T Noppeney, H NĂ¼llen Diagnosis and therapy of varicosis. Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelb...
Atopic dermatitis (overview) L20.- Dermatology
...n E/ESCOP for use in inflammatory changes of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, poorly healing wounds, ulcus cruris. No systematic studies on eczema to date, superior to placebo in the prophylaxis of radioder...
Atrial flutter I48.9 Internal medicine
...parin 1 mg / kg bw s. c. 2 x /d (Note: absolute contraindications: - malignant hypertension, florid ulcus ventriculi / duodeni, fresh cerebral hemorrhage, necrotizing pancreatitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, s...
Balanitis N48.10 Dermatology
...ataBalanitis gangraenosaBalanitis nigricans.Ulcerative bacterial balanitis:Syphilis (primary effect)Ulcus molleTuberculosisdiphtheria.Virally caused:Herpes genitalis ( Herpes simplex recidivans)Condylomata...
Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L Dermatology
...ation. Development of an ulcer with a (pearly) marginal wall consisting of shiny papules, so-called ulcus rodens.Some nodular BCCs have irregular pigmentation, whereby the pigment (melanin) can be brown or...
Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L Dermatology
...ation. Development of an ulcer with a marginal wall consisting of shiny papules (pearly), so-called ulcus rodens.Some of the solid BCCs show an irregular pigmentation, whereby the pigment (melanin) can sho...
Blow-out ulcer; blow-out ulcer; I83.0 Dermatology
Blow-out ulcer; blow-out ulcer; Definition Ulcus cruris with localized relationship to a deficient perforating vein, which lies either above the ulc...
Calciphylaxis M83.50 Dermatology
...sparsely covered, flat ulcers. No renal insufficiency! Mostly clear arteriosclerosis. Signs of AVK!Ulcus cruris hypertonicum: see below cholesterol embolism.Ulcus cruris venosum: Chronic, never acute, mos...
Calendulae flos Phytotherapy
...endency.Empirical medicine: Prevention of radiation damage, skin care for post-operative radiation, ulcus cruris Pharmacodynamics (Effect) Anti-oedematous, antiphlogistic (flavoinides, saponins). The carot...
Carbonic acid bath Dermatology
...latory disorders- Microcirculatory disorders and wound healing disorders in hypoxic tissue, such as ulcus cruris, decubitus and gangrene in pAVK; M. Sudeck-Neurovegetatively and psychosomatically caused ca...
Carcinogenesis Dermatology
...atory processes can also exert growth stimuli on the cell (e.g. in the case of long-term persistent ulcus cruris, also in Crohn's disease). The initiated cell passes on its DNA damage to the daughter cell...
Carcinoma of the skin (overview) C44.L Dermatology
...ases)Pigmented basal cell carcinomaUlcerated basal cell carcinoma Destructive basal cell carcinoma (ulcus terebrans) (<1% of cases)Premalignant fibroepithelioma (Pinkus tumor)Adnexal carcinoma:Eccrine a...
Colae semen Phytotherapy
...ead to sleep disturbances, nervous restlessness, stomach problems or excitability. Contraindication Ulcus ventriculi et duodeni Interactions The effect of psychoanaleptically effective drugs and caffeinate...
Compression stocking class i Vascular medicine
...o thromboses in the stocking group. Discomfort such as ankle edema, pain, and tightness was reduced.Ulcus cruris venosum: also in the treatment of ulcus cruris, wearing a low compression class shows a simi...
Compression stocking medical Vascular medicine
...ance phase.There are special ulcer compression stockings for the treatment of people suffering from ulcus cruris In the majority of cases, a serial fitting is possible; in the case of a special body shape...
Congestive syndrome arthrogenes I87.2- Vascular medicine
...ome, possibly Diagnosis Diagnosis can usually be made on the basis of the following three symptoms: ulcus cruris that is refractory to therapy and/or other signs of severe CVIfixed toeatrophic calf muscles...
Contact allergens Allergology
...r phenotype)Immune reaction of the bodyConcomitant diseases such as CVI with congestive dermatitis; ulcus cruris and othersDrugs (increased potential when taking ACE inhibitors, opioids - decreased potenti...
Crural ulcer, angiospastic L98.4 Vascular medicine
.... Clinical features Small, dry, non-reactive ulcer in a slightly inflamed environment. Therapy S.u. Ulcus cruris.
Eczema (overview) L30.9 Dermatology
...n E/ESCOP for use in inflammatory changes of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, poorly healing wounds, ulcus cruris. To date, no systematic studies in eczema, in prophylaxis of radiodermatitis superior to pla...
Endocarditis, infectious I33.0 Internal medicine
...iespiercingtattoodermatological diseases that can cause bacteremia such as acne, severe erysipelas, ulcus curis, necrotizing fasciitis, severe atopic dermatitis Procedures such as:dental interventionscardi...
Enoxacin Dermatology
...ges. Dosage and method of use 400-800 mg/day p.o. over max. 14 days. Gonorrhoea: 400 mg p.o. as ED. Ulcus molle: 3 times 400 mg p.o. at intervals of 12 hours. Undesirable effects S.u. Ciprofloxacin. Additi...