Results for "atopic dermatitis"

399 searchresults

Scrotal eczema L30.86 Dermatology
...lergic or manifesting as a form of lichen simplex chroncius . Not infrequently a minimal variant of atopic dermatitis or partial manifestation of a generalized form of atopic dermatitis. Clinical features Mostly thera...
FLG Gene Dermatology
...ore than 40 variants are known in the FLG gene. Mutations in the filaggrin gene are associated with atopic dermatitis. Phenotypically, patients with these FLG mutations are characterized by early onset of atopic derma...
LAMA3 Gene Internal medicine
...ction and have additional functions in regulating cell migration and mechanical signal transduction.Atopic dermatitis: Several SNPs in the LAMA3 gene show a significant association with atopic dermatitis; this associa...
Hand dermatitis (overview) L30.91 Allergology
...ows, roughening of the nail plate, thickening, onycholysis, dyschromas, paronychines (especially in atopic dermatitis of the hands) General therapy The relevance assessment of identified Type IV allergens is very impo...
Eczema foot eczema atopic Dermatology
Biologics in dermatology Dermatology
...ab.: approval only for rheumatoid arthritis).Adalimumab (Humira® )(psoriasis)Dupilumab (Dupixent®) (atopic dermatitis) human monoclonal antibody against the alpha subunit of the interleukin (IL)-4 receptor, inhibits t...
Emollient Allergology
...ten includes generally "caring dermatics". Literature Hon KL et al (2013) Barrier repair therapy in atopic dermatitis: an overview. At J Clin Dermatol 14:389-399.Lynde CW et al (2016) The Skin Microbiome in Atopic Der...
Papulosa juvenilis dermatitis L30.8 Dermatology
...ase of childhood of unknown etiology associated with lichenoid papules (probably closely related to atopic dermatitis). Occurrence/Epidemiology Epidemiological figures are not known. It can be assumed that the disease...
Prostaglandin d2 Allergology
...thogenetic role in the development and establishment of allergic diseases e.g. bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis. PGD2 is the dominant prostanoid produced by activated mast cells. Its pathogenetic role in allergi...
Ichthyosis x-linked recessive Q80.1 Dermatology
...ently associated with atopic diseases(bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis). The investigations revealed a microdeletion of the steroid sulphatase region (Xp22.3), an increas...
Phototherapy Dermatology
...logical phototherapy. dermatologist 42: 407-414Krutmann J et al (1991) New aspects of UV therapy of atopic dermatitis. Dermatologist 42: 284-288Legate FJ (2003) Narrowband UV-B vs. medium-dose UV-A1 phototherapy in ch...
Pimecrolimus Dermatology
...Risk of Lymphoma Following Exposure to Calcineurin Inhibitors and Topical Steroids in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis. J Invest Dermatol (epub)Eichenfield LF et al (2003) Elidel (pimecrolimus) cream 1%: a nonsteroidal...
Calcineurin inhibitors Dermatology
...severe atopical eczema. Literature Huang C et al (2014) Pimecrolimus cream 1% in the management of atopic dermatitis in pediatric patients: a meta-analysis. PLoS One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093095Lee SJ et al (201...
PID Internal medicine
...y T cells/ autoimmune enteropathy, early diabetes, thyroiditis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, atopic dermatitis/ deficiency of FOXp3-pos. CD4+/CD25+ cells, IgA and IgE elevated.IPEX-like: AR/CD25 deficiency due...
COL29A1 Gene Dermatology
...kin of healthy people is only active in the outermost layer, known as the epidermis. "Patients with atopic dermatitis, on the other hand, lack collagen 29 in the outer layers of the skin." General information mutation...
Claudine Dermatology
...the release of interleukin-33 (IL-33). Thus, IL-33 is a common target for the itch-scratch cycle of atopic dermatitis (Imai Y 2019).Remarkably, filaggrin gene knockdown leads to a reduced level not only of keratin 10...
Atopy T78.4 Dermatology
...topy can manifest itself as rhinitis and conjunctivitis allergica, allergic bronchial asthma and/or atopic dermatitis. The prevalence of atopy is about 25-30% of the total population. The trend is considered to be inc...
Atopy T78.4 Allergology
...ergens. Atopy can manifest itself as rhinitis, conjunctivitis allergica, allergic bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis or (preferably in children) food allergy. The prevalence of atopy is about 25-30% of the total popu...
Hyper-IgE-syndrome 4, autosomal recessive D82.4 Dermatology
...iosynostosis, bronchiectasis, finger contractures, elbow contractures, impacted teeth, high palate, atopic dermatitis; diarrhea, speech disorders, mild developmental delay, keratitis. Classification Genetic heterogene...
Immunodeficiency 41 with Lymphoproliferation and Autoimmunity D82.1 Internal medicine
...s, lymphadenopathy, and variable autoimmune features such as autoimmune enteropathy and features of atopic dermatitis as early as infancy. Immunological studies show that the receptor defect causes interleukin-10 not...
PFAS and medicine Internal medicine
...dhood vaccination was found with PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS exposures (von Holst H et al. 2021).PFAS and atopic dermatitis/ bronchial asthma: In 2020, an American research group demonstrated that early childhood exposure t...
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin Allergology
...on TSLP or thymic stromal lymphopoietin has been described as a "proallergic" IL-7-like cytokine in atopic dermatitis and allergic asthma. It has now been shown that it is also produced in keratinocytes of psoriasis p...
Aa table of contents A1 Dermatology
Cannabidiol Internal medicine conditions. These include: pruritus, acne, allergic contact dermatitis, asteatotic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, hidradenitis suppurativa, Kaposi's sarcoma, psoriasis, carcinomas of the skin, and the cutaneous m...
Proactive therapy Dermatology
Proactive therapy Definition Continuation of anti-inflammatory therapy, e.g. in atopic dermatitis, usually with the calcineurin inhibitors Tacrolimus or Pimecrolimus, beyond the healing stage. Prev...