Pustulose, subcorneal. 6-year-old boy with infantile form of the disease. Craniocaudal erupted pustules after fever attack, disseminated over the whole integument. Whole integument almost completely reddened, flat flat infiltrations of the skin with fine lamellar scaling.
Erythema anulare centrifugum: characteristic (fresh) lesions with peripherally progressive plaques, which are peripherally palpable as well limited (like a wet wolfaden) Histological clarification necessary.
Parapsorisis en petites plaques: completely symptom-free red (hardly palpable), slightly scaly plaques; recurrent course for years; improvement in the summer months or under UV therapy.
lupus erythematosus acute-cutaneous: clinical picture known for several years, occurring within 14 days, at the time of admission still with intermittent course. anular pattern. in the current intermittent phase fatigue and exhaustion. ANA 1:160; anti-Ro/SSA antibodies positive. DIF: LE - typical.
psoriasis guttata. small, exanthematic form of psoriasis after streptococcal infection. only slight scaling (due to pre-treatment). note the indicated linear patterns (koebner phenomenon). the auspitz phenomenon (finest punctiform bleeding after removal of the uppermost scaly layer with a wooden spatula) can still be triggered even in these pre-treated lesions and is therefore an excellent diagnostic sign (best triggered in the small papules).
Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. 54-year-old patient with a generalized macular clinical picture which has existed for years and shows a constant progression. Itching in case of heat exposure and mechanical exposure of the affected areas.
Dermatitis, seborrhoeic: 62-year-old patient with a negative family history of psoriasis. recurrent HV on the trunk for years. no itching. multiple, chronically inpatient, figured, borderline, sometimes itchy, moderately scaly, clearly borderline hardly elevated plaques.
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