Cupping therapy

Authors: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Martina Bacharach-Buhles

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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  • Derivative and corrective procedure in naturopathy. The cutivisceral and viscerocutaneous reflex paths can be explained via the spinal and vegetative nervous system. In case of disease or dysfunction of internal organs, the so-called head zones and paravertebral irritation zones, but also connective tissue zones and myogeloses are affected. Similarly, the meridians from acupuncture intervene in this networked biological control circuit system.
  • The cupping zones are central points in this system. Geloses in the area of the cupping zones provide diagnostic indications of disorders or weaknesses of the internal organs, which correspond to the respective cupping zones. The following disorders can lead to the development of a cupping zone: exogenous or endogenous damage to an internal organ, joint blockage, focus, mental disorder.

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Prevention of stroke, rheumatic diseases.

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Patient sits on the examination couch, doctor palpates the areas in question with light to medium pressure of the index and middle fingers from top to bottom. The areas that are palpated as loose are marked. Depending on the energy state of the person and the character of the gelosses, the type of cupping therapy varies: bloody cupping for fullness type and hot gelosses, dry cupping for empty type and cold gelosses.
  • Bloody cupping: After disinfecting the skin, the marked areas are pricked several times with a small lancet until bleeding occurs. A vacuum cupping glass is put on and removed after about 10 minutes, followed by wound treatment.


    Incorrect assessment of the patient's condition (filling-empty type). Effect: Local blood drainage, similar to leech therapy.
  • Dry cupping: The evacuated cupping glass is placed on the marked spot above the cupping zone. The negative pressure causes blood to escape from the capillaries with bluish-livid discoloration. Remove the cupping glass after about 1 minute.
  • Suction cup massage: The marked area is rubbed with oil, the evacuated cupping glass is placed on top and then slowly moved up and down.