Steatocystoma multiplex conglobatum L72.2

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Steatocystoma multiplex

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Plewig, 1979

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Inflammation and scarring healing of numerous cysts in steatocystoma multiplex in the back and chest cavity and armpits.

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Very rare.

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Occurs almost exclusively in men.

Differential diagnosis
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Internal therapy
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Isotretinoin (Roaccutane; acne normin) p.o. 0.1-0.5 mg/kg bw/day presumably leads to a reduction of cysts in some patients via reduced sebum production. Antibiotics: Systemic see below Acne vulgaris.

Operative therapie
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Operative procedure as far as possible. In case of small infestation or large cysts excision of the affected skin areas. Splitting of the abscesses. With smaller cysts, electrocautery if necessary.

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  1. Chu DH (2003) Steatocystoma multiplex. Dermatol Online J 9: 18
  2. Duzova AN et al (2004) Suggestion for the treatment of steatocystoma multiplex located exclusively on the face. Int J Dermatol 43: 60-62
  3. Gollhausen R et al (1988) Steatocystoma multiplex conglobatum. dermatologist 39: 177-179
  4. Plewig G, Wolff HH, Braun-Falco O (1982) Steatocystoma multiplex: anatomic reevaluation, electron microscopy, and autoradiography. Arch Dermatol Res 272: 363-380

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020