Haemolysis mark

Last updated on: 01.10.2023

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General information
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The main symptoms of hemolysis are:

- Hemoglobinuria and icterus (Aulbert 2008).

In acute hemolysis may occur:

- Tachycardia

- palpitations

- exertional dyspnea (Berger 2010).

In chronic hemolysis, there are usually hardly any symptoms. Even hemoglobin levels up to 6 - 8 mg / dl are tolerated. Otherwise there may be:

- low-grade icterus

- splenomegaly (Berger 2010)

- Palpitations during exertion (Kasper 2015)

- tendency to thrombosis

-occurrence of pigment gallstones

- General symptoms of anemia such as reduction in performance, fatigue, dizziness, dyspnea on exertion (Herold 2022).

In hemolytic crisis, an acute emergency situation, may additionally occur:

- collapse

- Icterus with hyperbilirubinemia; typical for hemolysis are a strongly elevated indirect bilirubin and a normal direct bilirubin (Herold 2022)

- rapid Hb drop

- hemoglobinuria (Herold 2022)

- chills

- fever

- pain in the back, abdomen, head (Berger 2010)

In intravascular hemolysis, in which there is a rapid release of free hemoglobin, acute back pain, hemoglobinuria with appearance of free hemoglobin in the urine, and possible onset of renal failure are often found (Kasper 2015).

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Laboratory chemistry includes the typical laboratory signs of hemolysis:

- Increase in LDH

- increase in reticulocytes

- Increase in indirect bilirubin (Renz 2009)

- Increase in serum iron (Knoche 2019)

- Drop in haptoglobin (Witzens Harig 2023) Haptoglobin is decreased more rapidly in intravascular hemolysis than in extravascular (Renz 2009).

- Positive Coombs test: In autoimmune hemolysis (AIHA), a Coombs test is positive in up to 97% of cases.

There is also a change in erythrocyte morphology, which, depending on the cause of hemolysis, can manifest itself as:

- spherical form in spherocytosis

- agglutination in autoimmune hemolysis

- fragmentocytes in artificial heart valves

- Detection of Heinz inner corpuscles in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

- Detection of target cells in thalassemia

- intraerythrocytic parasites in malaria (Knoche 2019)

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  1. Aulbert E, Nauck F, Radbruch L (2008) Textbook of palliative medicine. Schattauer Verlag Stuttgart / New York 395, 401
  2. Berger D P, Engelhardt R, Mertelsmann R, Engelhardt M, Henß H (2010) The red book: hematology and internal oncology. Ecomed Verlag 498, 516
  3. Herold G et al (2022) Internal medicine. Herold Publishers 44, 45
  4. Kasper D L, Fauci A S, Hauser S L, Longo D L, Jameson J L, Loscalzo J et al (2015) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Mc Graw Hill Education 393
  5. Knoche T, Rey J (2019) Internal medicine flashcards. Elsevier Urban and Fischer Publishing 53
  6. Renz H (2009) Practical laboratory diagnostics. Walter de Gruyter Verlag Berlin 172, 174
  7. Witzens- Harig M (2023) Hemolytic anemias - overview. Thieme via medici

Last updated on: 01.10.2023