Image diagnoses for "Hardening (cutis, subcutis - nodular/plate-like)"
53 results with 126 images

Lipoatrophy L90.87
Lipoatrophy: Symmetrical skin atrophy of the face in a 51-year-old female patient with progressive systemic scleroderma and diabetes mellitus type I.

Actinomycosis A42.9
actinomycosis (abdominal form). progressive fistulizing clinical picture in a 50-year-old patient since several years. the left half of the buttocks was infiltrated in a flat, board-like manner. no significant pain. besides blue-red coarse scarring, granulation tissue and fistulas with exudate (buttock center, Rima ani) are impressive.

Basal cell carcinoma sclerodermiformes C44.L

Cheilitis granulomatosa G51.2
Cheilitis granulomatosa as monosymptomatic variant of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, central deep and painful lower lip rhagade.

Graft-versus-host disease chronic L99.2-
Graft-versus-Host-Disease, chronic. 2 years after stem cell transplantation, large-area scleroderma and poikiloderma skin alterations with considerable movement restriction.

Graft-versus-host disease chronic L99.2-

Graft-versus-host disease chronic L99.2-

Radiodermatitis chronic L58.1

Radiodermatitis chronic L58.1
Chronic radiodermatitis. blurred hyperpigmentation on tight, atrophic skin with single ulcerations, following mamma-ca and therapeutic irradiation.

Radiodermatitis chronic L58.1
Radiodermatitis chronica. 72-year-old female patient who was radiated 15 years ago because of a left-sided breast carcinoma. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 72-year-old female patient who was radiated because of a left-sided breast carcinoma. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 15 years ago. 72-year-old female patient who was radiated because of a left-sided breast carcinoma. 15 years ago. With extensive induration of the skin, a colorful-checked picture with bizarre white spots, flat or linear red spots (telangiectasia) as well as scaling and crust formation over corresponding ulcerations appears.

Scleroderma and coup de sabre L94.1
Scléroderma en coup de sabre: Rare case of bilateral manifestation in the early inflammatory stage.

Scleroedema adultorum M34.8
Scleroedema adultorum. extensive, board-like induration in the area of the upper back and neck. there is still a discreet erythema. the skin is not compressible and cannot be wrinkled.

Scleroedema adultorum M34.8
Scleroedema adultorum. extensive, board-like indurations in the region of the upper back, neck and shoulders in a 65-year-old female patient with diabetes mellitus. secondary findings are shortness of breath and movement restrictions of the arms.

Scleroedema adultorum M34.8
Scleroedema adultorum, extensive, board-like indurations in the region of the décolleté in a 65-year-old female patient with diabetes mellitus.

Scleroedema adultorum M34.8
Scleroedema adultorum. board hard laminar induration of the entire upper back.

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma. Atrophy of the right leg muscles, atrophy of the gluteal muscles on the right, shortening of the right leg (difference 2.0 cm) with consecutive secondary pelvic obliquity and scoliosis in a 19-year-old female patient. The right knee joint is massively restricted in its movement (extension/flexion 0/25/100).

Circumscribed scleroderma L94.0
Circumscribed scleroderma. Atrophy of the right leg muscles, atrophy of the gluteal muscles on the right, shortening of the right leg (difference 2.0 cm) with consecutive secondary pelvic obliquity and scoliosis in a 19-year-old female patient. Multiple white indurated plaques on the right leg are also present on the thighs, lower legs and in the foot area.

Scleromyxoedema L98.5
Scleromyxoedema: Multiple 0.1-0.2 cm large, roundish, non follicular papules with a smooth, shiny surface; their linear arrangement is typical, which is also found in lichen myxödematosus.

Graft-versus-host disease L99.1/L99.2
Graft-versus-Host-Disease: brownish pigmented, partly also scleroderma-like skin changes in the area of the forearm and hand, approx. 6 months after bone marrow transplantation.