Image diagnoses for "Face"
322 results with 939 images
Results forFace

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: after exposure to sunlight the findings worsen significantly with persistent, moderately sharply defined, symmetrical, non-scaling red plaques.
Typical - butterfly pattern - with a free perioral triangle. Bridge of nose, upper eyelids and tip of chin are affected.
Raynaud's phenomenon; disturbance of the general condition with arthralgia, fever up to 38°C.

Ulerythema ophryogenes L66.4
Ulerythema ophryogenes: Extensive erythema in the area of the eyebrows in the case of incipient eyebrow rapairs; at higher magnification evidence of follicular papules.

Lupus erythematosus systemic M32.9
Systemic lupus erythematosus: multiple, chronic persistent, blurred, symmetrical, slightly burning, red (in cold environment red-livid impressing), smooth plques, variable course, activity spurts after tanning.

Facial granuloma L92.2
Granuloma faciale: Detailed view. large lump with smooth surface. strikingly large and bizarre tumor vessels.

Melasma L81.1
Chloasma. bizarre, mask-like, linear, reticulated or even splatter-like brown-yellow hyperpigmentations, which appear especially after (already minimal) exposure to sunlight. ovulation inhibitor already discontinued for > 1 year

Atrophodermia vermiculata L90.81
Atrophodermia vermiculata: 10-year-old girl with bilateral symmetrical, small, reticulated follicular scars; the vertical arrows mark 2 slightly reddened, dilated follicles with dark horny plugs.

Ulerythema ophryogenes L66.4
Ulerythema ophryogenes: Extensive erythema with minor eyebrow retraction.

Field carcinogenesis
Field carcinogenesis: preneoplastic skin area with multiple precanceroses, condition after years of excessive UV-irradiation.

Scleroderma systemic M34.0
Scleroderma, systemic: within a few years, newly developed telangiectasia of the facial skin in previously known systemic scleroderma.

Sarcoidosis of the skin D86.3
Sarcoidosis plaque form: solitary plaque that has existed for about 1 year and has grown continuously up to now, without any symptoms, fine-lamellar scaly brown-reddish plaque.

Nevus of Ota D22.30
Naevus fuscocoeruleus ophthalmomaxillaris. Irregularly limited, planar, brown to blackish blue, half-sided pigmentation. No clinical symptoms.

Basal cell carcinoma nodular C44.L
Basal cell carcinoma, nodular. aggregate of several, skin-coloured, firm, surface-smooth, shiny, completely painless nodules and plaques that can be moved on the base and extend into the eyebrow.

Parry Romberg syndrome G51.8
Hemiatrophia faciei progressiva: Progress documentation, Figure 3: Neurological (facial paresis) and ophthalmological (oculomotor paresis) complications in the context of circumscribed scleroderma en coup de sabre at the age of 16