Ulmann Karl

Last updated on: 10.01.2024

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Biographical detailsThis section has been translated automatically.

(¤ 27.9. 1860, † 1940) Karl Ullmann was born on September 27, 1860 as the son of Joans Ullmann and Henriette Anna in Habern/Bohemia (today Habry/Czech Republic). After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Vienna in 1886, he became a secondary doctor at Vienna General Hospital in the same year, where he continued his training under Leopold von Schrötter (1837-1908), Theodor Meynert (1833-1892), Robert Ultzmann (1842-1889) and finally Eduard Lang (1841-1916). He supported Lang in setting up the Vienna Lupus Sanatorium. Between 1892 and 1897 he was assistant to Hans von Hebra (1847-1902) at the Vienna Polyclinic.

In 1897, Karl Ullmann habilitated in dermatology at the University of Vienna. In 1915 he was appointed lecturer in dermatology and syphiology. He then worked at the Clinic for Venereal and Skin Diseases under Isidor Neumann (1832-1906). In 1889/1900 he was appointed honorary lecturer in commercial hygiene, and in 1902 he was appointed lecturer in occupational diseases at the University of World Trade. He also taught dermatology at the University of Vienna (Mentzel Walter 2024).

Ullmann conducted research in the field of toxicology and syphilis and was concerned with the hygiene of occupational diseases. Among other things, he published the study "Physikalische Therapie der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten" in 1908, "Kommerzielle Hygiene" in 1909 and "Berufskrebs und experimentelle Krebspathologie" in 1932. Between 1922 and 1926, together with Moritz Oppenheim (1876-1949) and Johann Heinrich Rille (1864-1956), he published the three-volume series "Die Schädigung der Haut durch Beruf und gewerbliche Arbeit".

Even before the First World War, Karl Ullmann was also involved as a lecturer in the Vienna People's Education Association, where he presented medical topics in a popularized form. He was a member of the Society of Physicians in Vienna, the Dermatological Society, the Austrian Society for the Control of Venereal Diseases and the Academic Association for Sexual Hygiene. He reflected on his involvement with sexual hygiene in the journal Österreichisches Sanitätswesen (26, 1914, pp. 689-698, 721-734) under the title "Rückblick und Ausblick auf die moderne sexualhygienische Bewegung". He was later active as a lecturer in social democratic organizations as well as on Radio Vienna, where he provided information on occupational skin damage among industrial workers in the "Stunde der Volksgesundheit" (Hour of Public Health).

Karl Ullman and his family were subjected to Nazi persecution because of their Jewish origins. Karl Ullman died on December 24, 1940, his wife Gabriele Ullman (*19.11.1869 Vienna) died on February 23, 1942 in Vienna. His children survived the Holocaust.

LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.

  1. Die Schädigung der Haut durch Beruf und gewerbliche Arbeit ed: Karl Ullmann, Moritz Oppenheim and Johann Heinrich Rille. Vol. 1-3. Leipzig: Voss 1922-1926.
  2. Cemetery database of the municipality of Vienna: Ullmann Karl (died 23.12.1940, place of death, 1010 Vienna, Judenplatz 5)
  3. Mentzel Walter (2024) Karl Ulmann. https://ub.meduniwien.ac.at/blog/?tag=ns-verfolgung
  4. Ullmann Karl (1912): Über das Wesen und die Verbreitung einiger bei der Erdölgewinnung und der Paraffinfabrikation entstehenden Berufsdermatosen (Naphta- und Petroleumekzem, Paraffinakne,- Papillom und -Karzinom)". In: Wiener Arbeiten aus dem Gebiet der sozialen Medizin. Issue 2.

Last updated on: 10.01.2024