Ulcer of the skin (overview) Images
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Skin ulcer: ulcerated basal cell carcinoma of the nose.

Ulcer of the skin: ulcerated basal cell carcinoma. 61-year-old patient with rapidly progressive ulceration in the forehead region. 4 x 2.5 cm ulcer with elevated edge. The base of the ulcer is covered with purulent crusts. No significant pain. The present findings, including the medical history, are typical of an ulcerated basal cell carcinoma. The diagnosis of an "ulcerated malignant tumor" can be assumed from the raised shiny edge wall of the ulcer (reflected light microscopy: bizarre vascular configuration).

Skin ulcer: multiple round ulcers, arranged in stripes, in "perforating collagenosis".

Ulcer of the skin: complete necrosis of the end phalanx in previously known psoriatic systemic scleroderma.

skin ulcer: sharplylimited ulceration in healthy skin with necrosis formation. no pain, no general symptoms. underlying polyneuropathy.

Ulcer of the skin: acute, for 4 weeks existing, despite local therapy rapidly progressive, large, sharply defined, deep, painful, red ulcer, reaching down to the exposed musculature; immunosuppression due to an HIV infection existing for 10 years

Skin ulcer: 55-year-oldfemale patient with a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of the mycosis fungoides type (tumor stage) that has been present for 10 years. 4 x 3 cm ulcer with a purulent base in a mycoside plaque that looks like a punched-out ulcer, and numerous reddish plaques of mycosis fungoides.

Ulcer of the skin: Pyoderma gangraenosum; chronic, large-area, circulatory ulcer of limited size, painful, covered with black necroses and yellowish detritus.

Skin ulcer: bacterial ulcer in immunodeficiency (malignant underlying disease). Yellowish, highly painful ulcer with an elongated shape in a 63-year-old woman. The ulcer developed in the area of severe scratch marks, which the patient had inflicted on herself over a period of several weeks.

pyodermic ulcer of the skin: moderately deep, large ulcer; characteristic are the circulatory (as if grazed) borders. ulcer smearily documented. cultural evidence of klebsielles and pseudomonas aeruginosa. the cause is a care error; no known underlying disease.

pyodermic ulcer of the skin: moderately deep, large ulcer; characteristic are the circulatory (as if grazed) borders. ulcer smearily documented. cultural evidence of klebsielles and pseudomonas aeruginosa. the cause is a care error; no known underlying disease.

Ulcer of the skin: circularulceration as a complication of a split skin transplant after excision of a spinocellular carcinoma; normal, unchanged surrounding skin.

Ulcer of the skin. after accidental scalding with boiling water through an opening hot-water bottle acutely occurring ulcerations on the sides of the toes. isolated necrotic areas.

ulcer of the skin: ulcus cruris in CVI superimposed by pyoderma. 76-year-old female patient with chronic venous insufficiency that has existed for 40 years and increasing dermatolipofasciosclerosis. multicentric, flat, bizarrely configured, highly painful ulcer. the ulcer base is covered with fibrinous crusts and fresh granulation tissue. the ulcer environment is sclerotic.