Sweat gland

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 18.12.2021

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apocrine sweat glands; eccrine sweat glands; Glandula sudorifera; Sweat glands

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Exocrine tubular glands, which are found in:

  • apocrine sweat glands
  • and
  • eccrine sweat glands
  • (see Table 1).

In addition to these two basic sweat gland "types", there is an intermediate axillary sweat gland type with morphological and functional features of both eccrine and apocrine glands (Sato K et al. 1987). This apoecrine type develops with the onset of puberty as a mixed form of apocrine and eccrine glands.

The eccrine (free) sweat glands produce sweat for thermoregulation. Their number is 2-3 million, on average 140-350/cm2 are detected. In descending order, the density is highest in the palmae and plantae, on the head, trunk and extremities. The eccrine sweat glands respond to thermal, emotional and gustatory stimuli. In the latter two cases, sweating remains confined to specific areas of the skin.

The apocrine (follicle-bound) sweat glands (axillae, inguinal region, circumanal, on the face, especially in the nasolabial folds) produce a lipid-containing, cloudy, weakly viscous sweat with endogenous fragrances, see also sweat gland disorders.

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  1. Fiedler HP (1991) The physiology of perspiration. Medical cosmetology 21:161-173

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Apocrine and eccrine sweat glands

Apocrine sweat glands

Eccrine sweat glands


Glandulae sudoriferae majores

Glandulae sudoriferae minores


Rungs laterally from the hair germ into the supraseboglandular hair follicle

Emergence from the endocrine sweat gland germ


Into the supraseboglandular hair follicles

At the epidermal surface


Wide: 200 μm

Eng: 20 μm

Full secretary



Control system

Hormonal, from puberty

Thermal and emotional


Body's own fragrances

Totally odourless


Animal: Control of sexual behaviour and territory marking.

Thermoregulation/ excretion

Human: Atavistic or unknown.


Especially underarms, perimamillary, periumbilical, regio pubis, regio anogenitalis. Only sporadically on head and trunk.

On the whole integument (about 2-3 million). Especially on soles of feet, palms of hands and forehead.


Last updated on: 18.12.2021