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Dandruff: fine-lamellar scaling in desiccation eczema.

Scaling: Large lamellar scaling in erythrodermal psoriasis.

Dandruff: Coarse lamellar scaling in generalized psoriasis

dandruff, coarse lamellar: scarlatiniform (exfoliative) very superficial (thus skin-like) fatty scaling. in this type of (corneolytic) scaling, surface superficial horny areas are shed, e.g. by the action of exfoliative enzymes. this type of scaling is also found in extensive pustulosis and in dermatitis solaris (or mild burns). scales can be peeled off the surface like a parchment skin.
![scaling. scaling in pustulo... scaling. scaling in pustulosis acuta generalisata [AGEP]. healing state of an AGEP with scaling o...](

Scaling: firmly adhering (ichthyosiform) rhomboidally broken, dry scaling with pronounced ichthyosis of the skin.

Dandruff. strong, rough, highly scaly, hard plaques in the area of the extensor sides of the upper or lower leg in a therapy-naive patient with psoriasis. the strong, almost carapace-like scaling almost completely covers the inflammatory redness of the psoriatic plaques.