Primary cutaneous follicular lymphoma Images
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Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: For several years training of surface smooth, painless, plaques and nodules.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: Condition after treatment of an alopecia areata with DNCB about 20 years ago; for several months now, formation of smooth, painless plaques and nodules, which, according to a biopsy, affected the entire anterior half of the capillitium.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: Firm , clearly elevated above the skin level, grown within 6 months, completely painless, surface smooth nodule (DD.: solid basal cell carcinoma) No evidence of system involvement.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: exanthematic sowing of reddish, smooth, shiny, to bean-sized tumors in the shoulder and décolleté area.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: chronically active, increasing for 12 months, localized on the trunk and upper extremities, disseminated, 0.3-0.7 cm in size, asymptomatic, hemispherical, firm, smooth, red papules and nodes.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: coarse, painless, solid tumor, clearly elevated above the skin level, grown within 3 months, two smaller smooth, shiny tumors in the immediate vicinity of the arm.

primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: dense nodular infiltration of the dermis. free subepidermal zone. no epidermotropy, distinct follicular pattern.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: detailed image

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: Detail enlargement: follicular structure of the infiltrate nodes. cytomorphologically, there are smaller lymphoid cells with clearly notched nuclei in the marginal area (dark zones) as well as larger (lighter) cells with large round nuclei and one or more prominent nucleoli (features of centroblasts) in the center of the nodes. The surrounding connective tissue is little affected.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: Marginal area of a germinal center.

Primary cutaneous follicular center lymphoma: Detail enlargement