Mastocytosis (overview) Images
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Urticaria pigmentosa adultorum: Classical form of cutaneous mastocytosis (excess of mast cells in the skin) with multiple red patches and wheals (positive Darier sign, due to the friction of the trousers) clearly protruding in the buttock area, and light brown in the adjacent lumbar area, 0.1-0.3 cm in size.

Mastocytosis (type Urticaria pigmentosa): pronounced cutaneous mastocytosis of the urticaria pigmentosa type.

Mastocytosis. Cutaneous mastocytoma.

Mastocytosis: Cutaneous mastocytoma of the infant, beginning central blister formation after slight mechanical irritation.

Mastocytosis. cutaneous, diffuse mastocytosis with two-dimensional "peau d`orange" and partly water clear, partly haemorrhagic, firm (subcutaneous) blisters. single scratch marks.

Mastocytosis: Cutaneous, diffuse mastocytosis with flat "peau d`orange and partly water clear, partly haemorrhagic, solid (subcutaneous) blisters.

Mastocytosis. cutaneous, diffuse mastocytosis with flat "peau d`orange". very rare clinical picture.

Mastocytosis. Cutaneous, diffuse mastocytosis with flat "peau d`orange".

Mastocytosis. type: Multiple mastocytomas Multiple, chronically stationary, approx. 0.6 x 0.7 cm large, localized on the entire integument, disseminated, round to oval, brown, smooth, little itchy spots and plaques in a 4-year-old boy.

Mastocytosis of the urticaria pigmentosa type: generalised infestation of the integument with disseminated brown spots, patches, papules and plaques, which in some places congregate to form larger areas

Mastocytosis of the urticaria pigmentosa type: generalized infestation of the integument with disseminated brown spots, patches, papules and plaques, sometimes confluent to larger areas; almost erythrodermic skin appearance

Mastocytosis. Electron microscopy: mast cells.

Mastocytosis. electron microscopy: mast cell (M).