Halitosis R19.6

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Bad breath worse; Foetor ex ore; Halitosis; Unpleasant bad breath

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Unpleasant odour formation in the mouth area of different aetiology.

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  • Local causes in the mouth, nose and throat for foetor ex ore (often not noticed by the patient):
    • Diseases of teeth and gums (caries, periodontosis, lack of teeth cleaning)
    • Bacterial inflammations ( angina, plaut-vincenti, ozaena)
    • Collapsing tumours
    • Reduced salivation ( Sjögren's syndrome, mouth breathing, anticholinergic drugs)
    • Nicotine abuse
  • Exhalation of odorous substances from deeper lying organs: halitosis (is perceived by the patient).
    • Lungs (purulent bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia)
    • Gastrointestinal tract (esophageal diverticulum, carcinoma, achalasia, ileus)
    • metabolic disorders (uremia, coma diabeticum, coma hepaticum)
    • Absorption of odorous substances via the intestines and exhalation via the lungs (garlic, phosphorus, arsenic, tellurium, selenium)
  • Essential halitosis: Exhalation of foul smelling fatty acids from unknown cause.

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Thorough dental, ENT and internal medical examination.

Differential diagnosis
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Subjectively felt bad breath that cannot be objectified: hallucinatory odour sensation.

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Treatment of a possible underlying disease.

Symptomatic therapy: Avoidance of food with intensive odour, tooth (pocket) cleaning, stimulation of salivary flow, e.g. by chewing gum, apples. If necessary, short-term trial with stomatological drugs such as cetylpyridinium chloride (Dobendan).

In case of essential halitosis, change to a low-fat diet (medium-chain fatty acids), change in the intestinal flora (lactulose).


Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 29.10.2020