Granuloma anulare disseminatum Images
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Granuloma anulare disseminatum: Survey image: Non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, anular, solitary or confluent plaques on the back of a 70-year-old female patient.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum:non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk, face, neck and extremities of a 45-year-old female patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 52-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum. general view: Non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large plaques on the abdomen of a 43-year-old female patient. no diabetes mellitus.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area (confluent) plaques that appeared on the trunk, face, neck and extremities of a 45-year-old female patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area, anular (only slightly raised) plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 52-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: detailed picture.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: partial manifestation on the forearm. non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: partial manifestation. non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: detailed picture. non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-pruritic, disseminated, large-area (confluent) plaques that appeared on the trunk, face, neck and extremities of a 45-year-old female patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases. here is a detailed picture with infestation pattern on (both) backs of the hands.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 62-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: Partial manifestation on the back of the right hand. Non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, extensive plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 52-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 52-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 52-year-old patient. No diabetes mellitus. No other systemic diseases known.

Granuloma anulare disseminatum: anular plaque. partial manifestation on the left lower leg. non-painful, non-itching, disseminated, large-area plaques that appeared on the trunk and extremities of a 65-year-old patient. no diabetes mellitus. no other systemic diseases known.