Erythema Images
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Erythema infectiosum: in cases of moderate feeling of illness, flat, butterfly-shaped redness and swelling of the cheeks; furthermore, exanthema of the extremities

Erythema: extensive itchy redness after insect bite; the bite may be located in the centre of the redness.

Erythema: extensive, itchy, moderately sharply defined redness

Anular erythema: Erythema infectiosum, butterfly-shaped redness and swelling of the cheeks in patients with a moderate feeling of illness; furthermore, extremity-focused annular exanthema.

Erythema: anular erythema (erythema chronicum migrans) that has existed for several weeks; central tick bite still visible.

Chronic erythema: Combination of a chronic, laminar erythema with a distinct atrophy of the skin (increased wrinkleability of the skin) in acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans.