Franz xaver mayr cure

Author:Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.

The F. X. Mayr cure is a naturopathic cure which aims at the rehabilitation of the intestines and is named after its founder, Franz Xaver Mayer.

The F. X. Mayr cure is based on the assumption that a malnutrition with "difficult to digest" foods, insufficient chewing activity or a one-sided diet with, for example, too much raw food, trigger microbacterial decomposition processes of these insufficiently digested foods in the intestine. As a result, harmful substances are formed in the intestine.
The consequences of these digestive disorders can be meteorism, flatulence, a change in bowel movements and a higher risk of rheumatic diseases.
In accordance with this basic assumption, nutritional suggestions have been developed on the basis of a complete basic diet and a wholefood diet, which must, however, be individually adapted to each patient.

IndicationThis section has been translated automatically.

Basic rules of a Mayr cure

  • It is important to plan enough time for meals, no matter what kind of diet you choose: half an hour is always necessary!
  • Before swallowing, each bite should be chewed until it is sufficiently crushed and mixed with saliva - this is the only way to ensure complete digestion.
  • Careful attention should be paid to the moment when a feeling of fullness is reached - beyond that no further bite should be taken.
  • The daily drinking amount must be carefully checked.
  • There must be an interval of at least four hours between meals.
  • The individual taste of each food should be consciously enjoyed.
  • It is important not to go to bed too late - early sleep is preferable.
  • A small, special treat should be planned for each day of treatment.

ImplementationThis section has been translated automatically.

General basic program of all Mayr cures (medicinal or tea fasting, milk-semmel cure):

Daily in the morning on an empty stomach drink 1/4 litre of warm water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and one teaspoon of base powder!
Afterwards: light movement!
Afterwards: hot and short cold shower, warm towel!
At the earliest ½ hour after point 1) take the recommended tea by the spoonful or the recommended diet!
Rest before lunch: At least ½ hour with damp heat (hot water bottle with damp towel) on the stomach (liver pack)!
Lunch fast with herbal tea, clear vegetable broth or the recommended diet.
Drink enough during the day: water, herbal tea, still mineral water - depending on the prescription, 2 to 4 or more litres.
In the evening, take one or two cups of the recommended herbal tea by the spoonful, if prescribed.
Before going to bed: Shower as described under point 3),
go to bed as early as possible - with moist heat (liver compress)!

LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.

  1. Weidner B (2012) In André-Michael Beer, Martin Adler [Ed.] Leitfaden Naturheilverfahren für die ärztliche Praxis, Urban und Fischer Verlag S 117.


Last updated on: 29.10.2020