Urticae radix

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Nettle Root; Radix Urticae

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Urticae radix, also known as Radix Urticae, the stinging nettle root is a preparation made from the whole, cut or powdered rhizomes or roots of the species Urtica dioica or Urtica urens (small stinging nettle) The drug is monographed by Commission E and by HMPC and ESCOP.

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Beta-sitosterol and -glucoside (phytohormone see below sterols) as well as other sterols (sterols) in free and glycosidic form, scopoletin, coumarin, lignans, lectins and polysaccharides.

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Increase of the micturition volume, reduction of the residual urine volume, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating.

Field of application/use
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Indication (in accordance with Commission E): Micturition difficulties with prostate adenoma (stage I-II) - prostate carcinoma must be ruled out.

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Crushed drug to tea preparations; 1.5g drug as tea preparation 3-4x/day.

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Hypersensitivity to the active substances

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Anyone who wants to take the medicinal plant should clarify this with the treating urologist. Tea preparations are less suitable in this indication, as the ingredients are not concentrated enough. A combination with saw palmetto fruits seems to have a positive effect.

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020